Low-Income Individuals and Families Can Get Free Help with Their Tax Returns and Make Sure They’re Getting Every Dollar They’ve Earned.
DC Fiscal Policy Institute
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The DC Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign is a citywide, cross-sector initiative that educates the public about income tax benefits that promote greater economic security.   

The Campaign has three primary goals: 

  • (1)     To promote awareness of the federal and DC Earned Income Tax Credit and other tax benefits to ensure that eligible residents know how to claim them.
  • (2)    To promote free and affordable tax preparation for DC residents.
  • (3)    To connect low-income taxpayers with programs and services to improve their financial security. 

According to the DC EITC Campaign, approximately 50,000 DC residents claim the federal EITC each year, channeling more than $90 million in federal funds into the local community.  Additionally, roughly 46,300 of these taxpayers claim another $30 million through local EITC refunds.  

Although these numbers are substantial , the DC Fiscal Policy Institute estimates that there are still roughly 7,000 to 11,000 EITC-eligible DC residents who may not be claiming the federal or local credit, and an additional 3,600 who claim the federal credit, but not the local EITC.  In addition to the EITC, there are numerous federal and DC tax benefits of which taxpayers may not be aware – from education and first-time homebuyer credits to deductions for pension benefits.

Don’t take the risk of missing out on a refund or getting all of the tax benefits you deserve.  Get help with your tax returns this year and make sure you’re getting every dollar you’ve earned! 

Free tax sites are open now!  For locations/hours and more information, go to www.dceitc.org.

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